Next time you sit with a (new) customer to discuss their wedding ring, consider this….
Have they put serious consideration into the reality that the ring they choose will be the ring they’ll wear for the rest of their life?
If your customer is looking at a ‘budget friendly’ metal option then the answer is probably a no.
Our advice is this – remind them that a tungsten ring or a silicone ring (most non precious metal options) will not be a ring that they will look at with admiration in the years that follow. These rings don’t age well and they definitely don’t gain value. It will look like a ring that wants an early retirement, to be thrown in a drawer somewhere and forgotten about because it will be an ugly reminder of a cheap compromise.
Precious metals are metals that are beautiful for eternity. They look and feel better for the duration of your customers life and hopefully something to be handed down to the next generation.
Don’t be afraid to endorse and recommend the best options for your customers. It’s in all of our best interests that your customers leave your store knowing they have purchased quality. After 20 years of marriage you want your customers admiring their wedding band, reflecting on the memories and hopefully remembering the good advice they received from their jeweller.